"It tells me a lot of what I do already know
I look forward to future becoming more easy to go through"
- Angelika
"It sounds optimistic, I love it ?"
- Viooetta3
"I like very much thank you your information "
- Karen
"It hit the spot in many levels and many issues going on in my life that are tough. Thankyou so very much it has really helped clarify more than a few things ???"
- Lynette
"Fits so many things like me. Thanks"
- Hafdís
"Make up my mind "
- Elizabeth
"Im very satisfied with this tarot reading."
- Violetta
"My inner feelings"
- Alain
"super goed!!!"
- Betty
"A positive reading. "
- Irma
"Yes this reading helps a lot for me to understand the situation. "
- Bonita
"Very applicable"
- John
"It's interesting"
- Kathy
"Reassurance "
- Cheryl
"Yes it hit on various states that l have been going through"
- Lynette
"Everything that has been holding me back and stopping me from moving on."
- Helen
"Deze heeft me rust gegeven ik wis het even niet meer "
- Mirella
"Big picture for 2021 !!"
- Kelebogile
"Mostly everything thankyou"
- Leanne
"Look forward, and continue ahead , let go the pass and get into the future. Forgive and let go, better things are coming ..."
- Javier
- Maggie
"Het heeft me wel geholpen. Ik weet dat ik er nog niet helemaal ben maar dat ik op de goede weg ben. En dit jaar toch mijn jaar van vooruit gang is. Nu nog mijn droom uit laten komen. Mijn grote liefde naar me toe komt!? "
- Anneke
"The future "
- Anya
"To confirm certain thoughts/ideas."
- Ana
"Mooie voorspellingen dank u"
- Katia
"The advice to listen to my intuition/ inner voice."
- Ivonne
"Right on target with relationships. I need to wait on what I deserve and not rush into anything. "
- Vicki
"Understanding "
- Kathryn
"It's clarified a few points for me"
- Tina
"To look at myself for healing and not others."
- Vicki
"it was spot on with the feelings and self sabotage i've been facing of late and just reiterated that i need to let go of things"
- Stefanie
"Future life decisions and to follow my instincts"
- Patricia
"het gaf me een klare kijk op de komende week dank u
- Lucia
"This Reading helped me alot with what direction my life is headed in!! Thanks Alot"
- raimie
"Veel goede adviezen"
- Christel
"It always helps gives me back up"
- Judy
"Gave me questions to ask this is what I needed "
- Kerri
"Right on point with what I’m going through right at the moment."
- Claris
"To be hopefull..."
- Florbela
"Wow! Definitely shown exactly what was needed."
- Zena
"Looking forward, a purpose. Give attention to what’s coming in my life. Realising I need to listen to my inner voice."
- Monique
- Philip
"Answers "
- Philip
"Inzicht "
- Joke
"so true"
- Minnie
"Opening my eyes to what’s really going on in my life "
- Chantal
"Everything IS true."
- Johanna
"It hit on a lot of things I'm currently going through and has some great advice. It also very much described who I am."
- Stefanie
"Life, very accurate . Thank you. "
- Judy
"Better understanding of myself "
- Melanie