Year Tarot Report 2025
120 Gems
Get a clear picture of the major themes and important trends that you can expect.
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For the Year Tarot Report, the cards of the Major Arcana are used. These outline a clear picture of the major themes and important trends so that we can then take a closer look at them one by one.
The cards show how you experience your relationship with yourself. This year is going to be a year for self-reflection. Discover what your own norms and values are and how you want to stand in life as a person. The cards will help you with each of the most important themes: 1. Major trends, 2. Home and family, 3. Work and finances, 4. Love and social life, 5. Self-development. Use the insights the Tarot gives you to bring yourself closer to your own truths and to prepare yourself to bring out the best version of yourself this year.
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"Let's hope it is gonna happen!"
"Big picture for 2021 !!"
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"¡Este sitio es innovador y elegante!"
"Esta lectura tiende a llevarme en la dirección correcta."
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